I am a girl over 14 years old, I want to know if my previous prayers are invalid, as I practiced masturbation for two years and stopped recently. I did not know that what comes out after it or when waking up from sleep requires washing.
What is the proper way to perform the ghusl from janabah?
How is the Eid prayer performed?
Does practicing masturbation through only thought and imagination suffice for ejaculation and require ghusl?
What is meant by the Sunnah of prayer? What are its pillars and obligations? What is the difference between a pillar and an obligation?
How do we perform the Prayer of Istikhara?
How can someone get rid of a bad habit practiced for 11 years due to bad friends and a desire to correct past Ramadan mistakes? Should they make up missed fasting days, and what else should they do after converting to Islam?